Wednesday, November 01, 2006
black and white

Matthias has purty eyes...

I like black and white images...
there's black, there's white, then there's the grey in between...

"I dream in techni-colour but i see in black and white"

It hit me the other day as i was talking to a friend - I like black and white images. I like them because without the distraction of colour, we can see things for what they really are. It's like a stripped down version of reality - there's absolute black, absolute white and then there's this vast grey that connects them.

Grey areas.. the indecisive area in between. The unity of extremes, the best of both worlds, the essential connection between the two absolute contrasts. And while most see the black and whites, overlooking the grey.. it is no less essential to the composition as a whole. Without the grey to fill in the blanks in our lives, things wouldn't make much sense. Without the transistions in between, we'd never draw the link from one end to the other. After all, few things in life are ever black or white so why should we see that way?

Yeah, grey is good.


Blogger Justin said...
lol. i have nothing to say bout your latest post...cos i believe in seeing things in black and white. LOL.:)

but there are always the unescapable grey areas..

Blogger Monsta said...
absolute white, absolute black

hmms, i think you're just craving for absolute VODKA... heh

Blogger Grace Tham said...
justin: ever wondered why they call it "Black & White" when grey constitures 80% of the overall picture? haha you're so "J" la i'm "P" hehe...

monsta: omg.. you have no idea!! haha in the original version fo the post i actually spelt "absolute" as "absolut" hahah i've been craving it since pd wei *blek*

Blogger Justin said...
lol.:P very true oso.

how'd u know i'm a 'j' ? hahahaa...u looked me up? o_O

hahaaha..oooh and someones been drinking vodkaaaaaaaa...!!! I HATE VODKA!! TASTES BAD!! zzzzZz..

had like a few shots of it few weeks ago..blehhhhhh. chivas the best!:D

Blogger Grace Tham said...
justin: hehe i guessed you were a "j" very obvious la.. and
i like vodka!!!!!!!! :D chivas ok only ler hehe.. eh we sound like alcos ;p

Blogger Justin said...
lol. makes me sound so predictable..! alco all the way!! LOL.:P