Retail therapy noun [U] (humorous) the act of shopping in order to relax or to make yourself feel better or happier.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Woo-hoo.. i like shopping, i really do.
At the risk of sounding like a complete bubblehead i'm going to declare that "There's nothing quite like going out to browse pretty things, deciding you like something, knowing you probably; (a) can
(and should) live without it; or (b) don't have any use for it, buying it anyway and feeling the lovely buzz in your head for hours after you've satisfied your impulse."
Most of the time i like shopping alone. Just going out, walking, looking at things, changing my mind, looking for things... It's
me time. Nobody to report to, nothing to run to - just me and my whims and fancies. It's something of a confidence booster too this shopping thing. It's empowering to be able to get what you want when you want it. Sometimes, it's just what i need to feel like i'm in control again. I think i'm going to go back to that store and buy that lovely blue bag. Whee... :)
My sister loves it when i'm in one of these moods. She usually benefits more from my shopping than i do *heh*.. and so i dedicate this blog entry to
retail therapy -
trust me, it works.My sis doing some major shopping therapy in Beadworks, Ubud, Bali.