After a very long blog hiatus, i am back... as usual, i'm using "blogging" as an excuse to procrastinate doing my work.
Classes just started last week and my head is still reeling from the information overload *eeps*
Over the past few week i've tried to blog so many times but somehow stuff kept coming up (read: i was really lazy..) so instead of actually typing stuffs and blogging, i wrote blog posts in my head.. *sads* Anyways quick updates: Grace got a new room, she loves the beach, she's eaten too much BBQ, Sydney harbour lights are very pretty at night, she loves being near big bodies of water, she also likes the blue blue skies, she went to Hillsongs church, rolled on the uni lawn, walked barefoot on the pavement, has a funky artist-architect-philosopher lecturer who always says "far out.." and met some really nice people... oh, and last night she went to see Mardi Gras 2007 *woot*..
Speaking of Mardi Gras... i did the stupidest thing ever *sighs* took my battery out to charge before the parade cause it was flat. I KNEW i was going to forget to put it back so i left a ton load of post-it note reminders all over my room saying "BRING CAMERA BATTERY!!!!". I even repeated that mantra to myself over and over again *sighs* but guess what.. i still forgot to bring it *slaps own forehead*
Thankfully another guy let me shoot a bit with his Sony Alpha but i couldn't figure out how to work the functions *grrrrrr* it took so friggin long to focus that by the time the camera decided to actually release the shot, what i wanted to shoot was gone (i hate it!!! - sorry smashpOp & Albert ;) i know you guys use that one). Oh well.. till i get the piccies from him, you'll have to settle for some short vids i shot with my new Sony Ericsson K610i mobile phone.. (my new gadget toy).
Twas the craziest introduction to Sydney you could get. Sometimes funny, sometimes painful, sometimes political, always outrageous - it was something of a traveling fun fair meets an over-sized lantern festival in a disco.. only very gay and very in your face. Will prob write more on it when i actually got pics to show you :)
These two vids i shot were of a marching (more like dancing) group called "Kylie's Impossible Princesses"... Imagine 3 trucks blasting every campy Kylie Minogue hit ever and tons of half naked (sometimes more than half..) people rocking it out to her hits.. i call them the KYLIE KLAN.. hehe i liked the pink "K" signs too.. they had glitter *whee* enjoy..
Some SLR users complain about how they CANNOT get used to another SLR. Thank goodness I do not suffer such an affliction, and get along with most SLRs just fine. Heck, I get along with all brands of point-and-shoots too. The SLR user who say they cannot get a shot with a certain camera and a different lens is defeatist; just like saying they cannot shoot in anything other than bright sunlight.
albert: hmms no so much a cannot get used to the cam dear.. i just don't know where all the friggin controls are!! grrrrr.. haha maybe Sony cams are now boycotting me cause i always slam them so much ;) on the contrary, i can't shoot in anything other than dark dark moody places *whee*
I've always found Sonys to be intuitive and easy to explore. Heck, when I first tried the A100 I found everything I needed to tweak. The menus reminded me of my Canon. Heck, the single dial and EV hold is similiar to Canon's. Olympus cameras are a bit harder, but nothing is impossible to discover.
Anyway, all cameras use about the same icons, so just turn the camera about till you find the button. :P
Oddly, I found it hardest to figure out the Canon EOS automatic exposure film cameras.
albert: hahah i'm quite the opposite.. never had to read the manuals for either my Canons or my Olympus.. fuji finepix and sonys on the other hand..i keep needing to look things up ;p anyways trying to help a friend figure out her finepix ultrazoom.. any idea how to access the aperture controls while in fully manual mode? i can find the shutter speed controls fine but can't seem to change the aperture.. and also, i can't seem to figure out how to get the light meter readings or exposure readings on that cam.. *hmmms*
I'm guessing that because I'm right-handed/left-brain-dominant but with more balance towards the middle (according to online quizzes anyway) I can handle it. :D
Isn't there a EV button? The Fuji S9500 had two dials ala the Nikon D70 and the S6500 had one dial (with hold-down EV ala Canon and Sony.) In PASM they should all report the exposure (look for the Info, ? or F button.) Just press every button, sure can what.
I was just in Central Market, trying to figure out a bellows camera. :D
awws, head blogging :(
eh, the firemen in spandex darn hots!
albert: hmms no so much a cannot get used to the cam dear.. i just don't know where all the friggin controls are!! grrrrr.. haha maybe Sony cams are now boycotting me cause i always slam them so much ;) on the contrary, i can't shoot in anything other than dark dark moody places *whee*
Anyway, all cameras use about the same icons, so just turn the camera about till you find the button. :P
Oddly, I found it hardest to figure out the Canon EOS automatic exposure film cameras.
Isn't there a EV button? The Fuji S9500 had two dials ala the Nikon D70 and the S6500 had one dial (with hold-down EV ala Canon and Sony.) In PASM they should all report the exposure (look for the Info, ? or F button.) Just press every button, sure can what.
I was just in Central Market, trying to figure out a bellows camera. :D