Friday, September 01, 2006
I don't want to wake up tomorrow!!! :(

i suppose i should take comfort in the fact that the dentist is only going to hack up my gums and remove ONE wisdom tooth... but still


i hate needles. i hate surgical knives (only when they're used to cut me up). i hate going to the dentist (although he really is a very nice person - i jsut associate him with a lot of pain). and most of all.. i hate the thought of not being able to eat solid food for the next few days.. porridge *ugh* *blek*

*sad sad mood*
Blogger Justin said... reign of evil begins soon!! *rubs hands together with a grin*


just a few days of porridge only..don't worry..


Blogger Grace Tham said...
evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil

Blogger Monsta said...
i have to agree. that's quite evil wei...

Blogger Justin said...


ok..i'll stop for now..;p

Blogger Blurry D said...
Dentist they dont scare me. I pay a visit every month.They arent that evil...they just like to drill drill and drill..Hmmm are dentist called dentist.Should have named them drillers.

Blogger revel in me said...
AAAAAAAHHHH!!! You poor, poor thin!! You've my condolensces!!

All the best k! :)

Blogger Grace Tham said...
justin: for now?!??! meaning in a lil while you'll start again ah? :( evil evil evil evil!! ;p hahaha

ray: you're actually not adding to the evilness.. omg *stunned*

blurry: aiyo haha don't remind me.. he had this drill in my mouth happily drilling away *ugh*

huiwen: thanx dear :D *hugs*

Blogger Monsta said...
hmm, no heart ler somehow.. the bullying shall continue after your recovery.. *bluek*

Blogger Justin said...
eheh..u think leh?:P
