Thursday, January 24, 2008

My narcissistic moment - basking (literally) in the Sydney sunlight.

I've always loved..
Open doorways and all the possibilities they bring.

The golden light of sunset, the slightest breeze, old weathered doorways with glass panels that catch the soft rays...

Maybe the long grey weekend was worth it after all.

*tra la..*

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Blogger Monsta said...
eh.. grace wearing hairband.. cutenya

but, u need hair cut leh...

Blogger Grace Tham said...
heh i love my hairbands.. quite into em lately heh.. no point combing my hair in syd - too much wind. Just pop on a hairband and i'm done hehe :D

Blogger Justin said...
haha..looking good, girl.:)

ahaha..maybe it's the lighting and all the camera angles combined too to make u look pretty different.

oh well I don't really know much bout cameras and photography anyways..:P

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just came upon this blog, so maybe you've already reflected on thresholds as liminal space. A place in between two worlds, two realities. The threshold is both realities at once, yet neither. It is its own sacred space. Morning is neither night nor day, yet both.



Windows on the dachas in the Russian countryside. The only bit of architecture that differentiates one rustic home from another. But lovely filigree and designs. An eye on the world.

Or ...

Are windows for looking out or looking in?

And so on.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hey gracey are you doing? hope you are doin well yeah...miss you la, when ur back in KL? or ur back...we should meet up and go take some pictures la...anyway you are looking simply stunning and pretty la...

you take care and see ya soon yea...