Monday, July 17, 2006
Grace has officially graduated from Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology on the 15th of July 2006! *woo-hoo* FINALLY! At the graduation, there were 7 of us from the original group of students that we started out with 3 years ago.. and we were all giddy happy to finish together :) There was a small sad moment too as we remembered some friends who left us along the way... :(

Mudita's happy-meal-yellow shoes :D

Group shot in the waiting area... L-R: Hanom, Rudiyanto, Riska, Mudita, Me(!!) & Farah.

Light saber fight!! hehehe... those scrolls are good for something after all ;)
Blogger Monsta said...

Blogger sooaun said...
congrats! best wishes and prayers in your future undertakings :)

Blogger Grace Tham said...
monsta: haha *whee* we take our own light saber picture next time then i do for you! haha

sooaun: ello! thanks..hehe now to determine what exactly those "future undertakings" are gonna be :(

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Congrats! Now's when life starts to suck! Sorry to burst your bubble..hehehehe. Enjoy it while it lasts.

So is it working life from here on in for you?

Blogger Grace Tham said...
Jay: haha aiyo depressing la you ;p but it doesn't quite suck yet! i have 1/2 a year of holidays till i continue my degree studies so.. woo-hoo! haha working part time for now :)