Grace has officially graduated from
Limkokwing University College of Creative Technology on the 15th of July 2006! *woo-hoo* FINALLY! At the graduation, there were 7 of us from the original group of students that we started out with 3 years ago.. and we were all giddy happy to finish together :) There was a small sad moment too as we remembered some friends who left us along the way... :(
Mudita's happy-meal-yellow shoes :D
Group shot in the waiting area... L-R: Hanom, Rudiyanto, Riska, Mudita, Me(!!) & Farah.
Light saber fight!! hehehe... those scrolls are good for something after all ;)
sooaun: ello! thanks..hehe now to determine what exactly those "future undertakings" are gonna be :(
So is it working life from here on in for you?