Saturday, June 24, 2006
I'm Home!
Grace is back from Johor!...
been quite a week.. had more of a blast than i thought i would, met new people, met old friends, tried new things... gonna miss everyone so so much :(

Think i'm feeling the low after the high.. ;p

Pics coming soon! *cheers*
Blogger Monsta said...
welcome home! i think your animals miss you much; the dog/bear/monkey troop

Blogger Grace Tham said...
ahahaha awws that's cute.. there were lots of animals in johor too :D

Blogger Monsta said...
reaaalyy?? hah, got bring back a few for me a not... its time to find a mate for your pet monkey...

Blogger Grace Tham said...
ahah er guy mate can ar?

Blogger Justin said...

the bear misses u much too!=)

ray doesn't need a guy mate la..he has me! *rub rub*
